The Great Healer: Marketa Bizzell
I AM a Healer…
I was seventeen years old when diagnosed with a stomach tumor the size of my entire abdomen. The tumor was an enlarged scar tissue from a previous gastrointestinal surgery I had as a newborn. My symptoms were uncommon. Therefore, it was several months before receiving a diagnosis.
I remember before being admitted for surgery, a relative came to my house and prayed over me. They stood in front of me, as my father stood behind me. We all had locked hands. During the prayer, I felt two large hands enter into my stomach and pull something out of me. As the hands retreated, I heard a voice say, “It is finished.” I said nothing. My father, who at the time was not saved, asked me “Did you feel that?”
I was admitted to the hospital and had a successful surgery. I went on to fully recover. I was able to complete my junior year and graduate top ten of my class. The hospital expenses were paid in full through financial assistance. During the stay, my parents were provided free on-site housing accommodations.
Those who witnessed my battle with health had God witness to them in a unique way.
My inflictions served as means for me to have a greater appreciation of God and a healthier perspective of pain. My faith was increased from the experience. I was learning trials will come to strengthen you and prune you to bear forth more fruit.
James 1:2-4 (KJV) “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
Romans 5: 3-5 (KJV) “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”
I know God is real and that He is a healer. Even in our pain, He is faithful.
My perspective shifted. Over the years, I began to steer away from seeking to control pain by limiting my emotional response to it. I began to learn how to embrace painful moments and evolve from them. I am so grateful for the trails that challenged me to be sincere, hopeful, and comforted by God.
I recalled this moment, realizing this was the first time I felt the conviction that God is a healer. I grew encouraged from the reminder. I hope God brings to the forth front of our minds testimonies of His goodness that we’ve experienced or witnessed. As I am getting older, I am starting to quote more and apply the elders’ saying “count your blessings”.
The year 2021 is coming to an end and many are anticipating celebrating a new beginning. It is exciting to dream of possibilities. It is rewarding to have His promise: “[though] thy beginning was small, Yet thy latter end should greatly increase” Job 8:7 (KJV). I am hopeful for the future. Whatever the year 2022 has in store for us, I pray we are liberated. Our mindsets are fixated on embracing and overcoming, strengthening one another in truth and love.
The empowerment we can experience from enduring our process of healing and allowing others to come alongside our journey. Relationships are valuable. God is a present Spirit that can be expressed from within us and through others. My process of healing from open wounds was soothed by the words of God that came from various avenues. Be open to receive your healing as it was meant for you.
meet marketa!
Marketa is a graduate student at Southeastern majoring in MDiv: Missiology. She holds a Master’s degree in International Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. She is the author of Sweet Like Honey Is Wisdom, a collection of inspirational contemporary poetry.