Spotlight: Hannah McDill
1. Tell us a little bit about who you are (where are you from, family, work, etc)
Well, I work as a Switchboard Operator at Southeastern. Anytime you call the school and reach an operator there’s a 50% you’ll hear my voice! I also recently started working at the Writing Center as a Consultant. So, if you need any help with a paper you can make an appointment with me!
I was born and raised in Northeast Ohio. I lived there with my two loving parents, my two brothers and my sister. I loved my family dearly but the Ohio weather was too cold for me. In fall of 2014, I moved to NC to pursue my BA in English. I met my now husband, Daniel. After one semester at Southeastern, on New Year's Eve of 2014, I found out I had relapsed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. When I came to Southeastern I had been in remission for about two years. I was originally diagnosed a month after I graduated High School in 2012. With my cancer having returned, I had to move back to Ohio for a year. In that year I went through a couple rounds of chemo and received a Bone Marrow Transplant. The transplant was successful and almost a year to the date of my relapse I moved back to NC. Daniel and I got married on October 1st of 2016 and we’ve basically lived happily (and healthily) ever after.
2. If you had a free day and unlimited money, what would you spend your day doing?
Well, after reading Krystal’s answer, I think I’d just give her all the money! But, I’m going to take this question more light-heartedly and say I’d probably go on a shopping spree. And I’d buy a plot of land where I could build a tiny house (or maybe a normal sized house..we have a lot of stuff) and a community garden.
3. Who is the most influential person in your life?
My husband is definitely the most influential person in my life. He’s incredibly insightful, intelligent, and humble. He encourages me in all of my pursuits, be them academic, spiritual, or physical. He also sets an amazing example of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God (Micah 6:8).
4. What is one book that you think everyone should have on their bookshelf?
I know everyone says this but I’m still going to say it: the Harry Potter series. I struggled with reading as a kid. In school, I got pulled from the classroom to work one-on-one with teachers. Reading was just a source of frustration and embarrassment for me. When I was in middle school I read The Sorcerer's Stone and I couldn't put it down. Reading those books really was life-changing for me. Now I’m an English major and I love reading!
5. What is a verse that you would consider your “life verse”?
Maybe not my life verse, but a verse that has been very influential on me is 2 Peter 3:16-18.
“There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”
6. What are three words that people would use to describe you?
Slightly. Bald. Wonder.
Follow her on social media: @hooplaha (Instagram)