Spotlight: Rachel Lambert
Tell us a little bit about who you are (where are you from, family, work, etc)
I’m from Raleigh and I’ve been a student at Southeastern since August 2016. I’m working on my MA in Biblical Counseling where I’d eventually love to work overseas doing counseling for missionaries and their families. I lived in Central Asia for a year and it was there I learned how much I loved doing ministry in a foreign context and how big of a need there is for people to go to the nations. I also learned about things I don’t love – like fermented camel’s milk.
I’m a part of Providence Baptist Church where I work as the Young Adult Women’s intern and I also work as an administrative assistant to Dr. Rainer. When I’m not studying or working, I’m probably stalking my 2-yr old nephew and 4-month old niece trying to convince them to love me or finding an excuse to travel somewhere.
If you had a free day and unlimited money, what would you spend your day doing?
I’d fly to London to see Hamilton on Broadway, for sure.
Who is the most influential person in your life?
At the risk of sounding cliché, I’d have to say my mom. I’m so grateful that she’s shown me what it looks like to selflessly serve others and always put their needs before her own. She definitely has the gift of hospitality and has made our home a safe place for so many people. I can only hope that my home will be the same for others one day!
What is one book that you think everyone should have on their bookshelf?
A book I’ve read over and over in the past 2 years is “The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness,” a tiny sermon-turned-book by Tim Keller. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but really needed -- especially for my generation.
What is a verse that you would consider your “life verse”?
“Teach me you way, O Lord, that I may walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name.” Psalm 86:11
What are three words that people would use to describe you?
Also I don’t have a blog or twitter, I just have Instagram (@rklambert)