Spotlight: Kelsie Berry
1. Tell us a little bit about who you are (where are you from, family, work, etc)
I am originally from St. Petersburg, Florida and basically my entire extended family still lives there. When I was five, my dad’s job moved us to Raleigh and I’ve been living here ever since! I’m the youngest of six (by a lot of years), but by the time we moved to NC, my oldest three siblings were in college/getting married, so I only grew up as the youngest of 3 in our house. I grew up doing competitive gymnastics for most of my life and dabbled in dance and cheerleading, so I like to say I’m somewhat athletic! Though my parents were believers and raised me in the church, I did not recognize my need for Christ until my freshman year of high school. Around that time, my family started attending a Southern Baptist church and the amazing youth leaders there helped me to see what it looks like to practically live out my faith! My walk with the Lord brought me to Southeastern in 2015 and I have LOVED my time here studying Justice and Social Ethics at the College. On my first day of school here, I met the man who would later become my husband (shout-out Felix Berry whoop!!) and we’re so excited to see what the Lord continues to do in our lives, in SEBTS, and in our church, Imago Dei. SEBTS has really become my home: it’s where I go to school, it’s where I work as the Media and Communications Coordinator, and it’s where I’ve met my closest friends.
2. If you had a free day and unlimited money, what would you spend your day doing?
I would go to the Appalachian Mountains, hike for a few hours, and spend sooo much money on food. OR I’d go grocery shopping and actually get everything I need for once because student budgets are tough. All of my options circle back around to food.
3. Who is the most influential person in your life?
My mom! She is such a superhero and has been my first and most consistent discipler. She is my heart!
4. What is one book that you think everyone should have on their bookshelf?
I think that EVERYONE needs to read The Justice Calling by Bethany H. Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson! The authors walk through justice in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, showing how important it is in the mind of God and they give practical examples on how to live out this calling for justice.
5. What is a verse that you would consider your “life verse”?
This is more of a “life passage,” but Mark 5:25-34 where Jesus heals the diseased woman who touched his clothes. It is such a clear picture of saving faith and how the Lord rescues and redeems.
6. What are three words that people would use to describe you?
Creative, Compassionate, Strong